Paul Rowllings

May 132 min

Grange Association Home Energy Event: 30 Apr 2024

The further up the chain of home energy saving you go, the more complicated it becomes and the more help and advice you need. This event was a very useful reminder of that, but it also reinforced the point that the early steps – draught-proofing and easy-to-access insulation – can be quick wins.

On this, it’s never too late to make a start and to keep on top of it.

This Grange Association (GA) community get-together was anchored by Edinburgh Building

Retrofit and Improvement Collective (EdinBRIC), a non-commercial, independent, member-led enterprise with RIAS and RICS professionals at the helm, in receipt of current support from Edinburgh Community Climate Fund provided by the City of Edinburgh Council.

The meeting also covered case-studies illustrating the practical home retrofit experience of three GA members. For more detail, contact

EdinBRIC is a knowledge and services network for re-shaping domestic energy consumption, in the home and in the community. It hinges on the Resilient Community concept. Take a look here:

Edinburgh Building Retrofit and Improvement Collective

About sustainable resilient communities – Edinburgh Building Retrofit and Improvement

Collective (

Loco Home Retrofit CIC is a Glasgow-based co-operative (regulated by the Community Interest Company Regulator) with the same focus of improving the existing fabric of household buildings by reducing energy demand and moving on to low-carbon heating sources. Learn more here:

Loco Home Retrofit CIC Limited – Glasgow's Retrofit Co-operative

Both enterprises stand ready to bring together households, tradespeople and professionals to chart the complicated path towards home energy retrofit, leading from problem through

knowledge share to solution.

Whether the starting point is single household or shared ownership or residents’ association, community groups like EdinBRIC and Loco Home Retrofit begin to open up the ‘How to go about it’ manual. See if what they have to say has any pointers for you.

Check, too, with Home Energy Scotland (cAbout us · Home Energy Scotland ) and its network of local advice centres. If you have ideas to share with GPCC, please get in touch.
